April 5

The Mabel Anthology – From the Minds of Writers


I wrote last week about the Rising Writers Workshop here in Manassas, VA. Hosted by members of Write by the Rails, the workshop was incredible. Co-author Stacia D. Kelly and I got to attend a panel with 15 Miles author Rob Scott. Our topic was writing science fiction and horror, and our attendees were amazing!

These young writers were fearless in their Q&A, and reading their original works to their peers and members of WbtR. They read poetry, fantasy, science fiction, epic sword and sorcery…anything you could think of. Rob’s insight into characters, the writing process, and his stories of writing with his father-in-law were inspiring. He brought professionalism and wit to the panel, and made quite the impression with the crowd.

The panelists decided that we wanted to do more than just spew logic and experience at our writing crowd, so we decided, with the help of our moderator, Garrett, to challenge them. Stacia had been given a post card from fellow writer, Dani Rogero. The postcard showed an old building (actually city hall) in Buffalo, New York. It was stamped sent way back in 1908. The text reads:

“Dear Friend,
Arrived home safe.
I am not angry any more.
Your friend,

Our challenge to the students was to write, with that postcard as the basis for the story. The ideas were amazing. Everything from flashbacks, to time travel, to missing relatives. I decided to go completely Hitchcock with my story. Here’s the beginnning:

“The postcard arrived in the mail. I stared at the picture for a long time, and the handwriting even longer. Mabel wasn’t angry anymore. That could only mean one thing. She had taken my advice. Howard was dead.”

Stacia came up with the great idea then to take the stories (once completed) and to create a Mabel Anthology, featuring the writing of anyone who wanted to participate. We hastily passed around a sign-up sheet, and immediately had a number of interested authors. Stay tuned for a timeline on this, and what form factors will be available (print, ebook, etc.). If we charge for it, it will likely be to fund a scholarship or to pay for next year’s workshop. (In other words, the money will go back to the authors in some form.)

I haven’t quite wrapped up my story, but I love the inspiration that came from just a simple postcard.

When was the last time a story jumped into your mind just from something you saw? Please share!

All the best,




@nick_kelly, @StaciaKelly, Mabel, Nick Kelly, nK, Rising Writers Workshop, Rob Scott Books, Robert Scott, Virginia Writers Club, Write by the Rails, Writing

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